
Ministry Partners



Biblica has a rich and amazing history that stretches across more than 200 years!
It was way back in 1809 that a group of Christians gathered in lower Manhattan, New York, to discuss the city’s spiritual needs. Among them was Henry Rutgers (Rutgers University). Together, they formed the New York Bible Society (NYBS).
The NYBS began sharing God’s Word with the flood of immigrants entering the country through Ellis Island as well as providing Bibles for the many sailors, soldiers, and other residents in the city.
In 1810, the Society funded its first translation: William Carey’s Bengali Bible translation in India.
Two years later, in 1812, the NYBS began its ministry to the military, and in 1815 they began ministry to prison inmates. Both of these ministries have continued to the present day.
Soon, members of The Society were going from door to door throughout New York City to make sure everyone had the opportunity to hear about Christ and have a copy of the Bible in their language.
Over the course of the next two centuries, the New York Bible Society began placing Bibles in hotel rooms (1836), providing Bibles for hospital patients, and providing braille Bibles for the blind.
During the 1950s, the Society became the publishing sponsor of the New International Version of the Bible. When it was completed in 1978, the NIV quickly became the best-selling contemporary English translation of all time.
In 1988, the NYBS changed its name to the International Bible Society to better reflect its new and widening scope of ministry.
In the last quarter of the 20th century, the International Bible Society translated God’s Word into dozens of the world’s most spoken languages.
In 2009, the International Bible Society changed its name to Biblica.
Today, Biblica, the International Bible Society, partners with like-minded organizations to minister God’s Word in 55 countries. Our global ministry continues to include Bible translation, Bible access, and Bible engagement programs.
Our mission is to provide the Bible in accurate, contemporary translations and formats so that more people around the world will have the opportunity to be transformed by Jesus Christ.

Bible Distribution

Spiritual growth can be directly linked to the knowledge of the Word of God. We believe that new believers should all have access to the Bible in order to grow into mature disciples. This is why we have started the Bibles for Believers program in 2006, to supply the need for Bibles to believers in a discipleship program. We aim to place as many Bibles as possible in the hands of believers, in their mother tongue, so that they can grow in their newfound faith.

Church Planting Made Personal

58,500 and counting... Harvesters is multiplying churches around the globe at an increasing rate. Instead of in buildings, we’re planting God’s Word in the most accessible location of all – the human heart. This is how we make the Gospel accessible to more people. By bringing it directly to them. If this sounds familiar, it is. This is how Jesus led the early church.

Reaching the Unreached

Fulfilling the Great Commission takes more than steeples, bricks and mortar. It takes a total redefinition of the word “church”. This is the starting point for Harvesters and the discipleship model unlike any other. We call it Saturation Mapping. Every human being should be within walking distance of a good, Biblical church.

Our strategy is to equip massive numbers of disciples where they are most needed in the world. And it's working!

The vast majority of 2 billion Christians worldwide are now located in Africa, Asia, and South and Central America – the Global South. This astonishing growth created an immediate need for Biblical training to equip pastors and leaders in those regions. Since its founding in 2013, TEN has delivered training courses to 100,000 pastors and leaders in more than 40 countries at TEN Training Centers and has provided in-depth "live" training at the TEN Campus in South Africa for more than 2,000 pastors and leaders. Your support allows TEN to continue equipping disciples at this exponential rate.
It is the mission of Judea Harvest to mobilise, equip and to provide resources for God’s labourers to complete the Great Commission in Africa. Millions of people have been reached and close to 10 000 new churches have been planted across Africa because of the resources and interventions of Judea Harvest since its inception in 1999. Judea Harvest has been managing various ministry and development projects very successfully, across Africa with incredible results. We invite organisations and foundations to partner with us, transforming the people of our continent!
Maiveen Boehme launched this registered NPC after being a victim herself to bullying in her school years and later her own daughters. Going through these traumatic events, especially trying to help her daughters, Maiveen saw the need for a more comprehensive program that would minimize bullying in general. The main aim is to create an environment in which all South Africans, whether at school or in the workplace and/or in relationships make a stand against bullying and all its aspects. Our long-term vision is to create the most effective anti-bullying movement in SA. Step number one is to create a National Day – Brave Heart Day. This will be the focus for the first year!

For sales and marketing enquiries:
Amanda van der Westhuizen

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  • 082 568 2768

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  • 082 568 2768

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    Stellenbosch, 7600

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